News Room:
1. Name of the sugar factory : Jakraya Sugar Ltd.. At. Watwate Tal Mohol, Dist. Solapur
2. Installed capacity : : 3900 TCD with 25 M.W Co-Generation. Expansion 3900 to 5000 and 11MW to 15 MW and 9.5MW New Turbine
3. l. E. M. No. : :
i) 1915/SIA/IMO/2012 Dt. 17/08/2012
ii) 1914/SIA/IMO/2014 Dt. 17/08/2012
4. Company Registration No. : :U15421PN2007PLC130078Dt. 03/05/2007.
5. Sales Tax Registration No. : : AABCJ9429LSD 001
6. VAT TIN / CST TIN : : 27800652997V / 27800652997C
7. Excise Registration No. : AABCJ9429LXM001.
8. PLANT CODE: 65601
10. Maharashtra Pollution : Control Board Consent to: BO/JD(WPC)/EIC-PN-11285-11,PN-11686-11/O/CC operate No. : Dt.23/04/2012.
11. Environmental Clearance No.:
12. Plant & Machinery Details: Machinery Suppliers.
a) Mills : 40”x 80”=5 Mills with TRPF : M/s Hi-Tech Engineering
b) Boilers : A) 70 TPH 67 Kg/cm2 Pressure: M/s. Hi-Tech Engineering Industries Ltd. Pune.
B ) 70 TPH 67 Kg/cm2 Pressure: M/s Hallmark boilers private limited
c) Boiling House : M/s. Hi-Tech Engineering Industries Ltd. Pune
d) Turbine Generating Sets: i) 11 MW, Condensing TG Set : M/S Triveni Turbine Ltd. Banglore
ii) 15 MW Back Pressure TG Set M/s. Siemens Ltd. Vadodara
iii) 4MW Back Pressure TG Set M/s Max Watt Pvt. Ltd.
iv)9.6 MW Back Pressure TG Set M/s. Siemens Ltd. Vadodara
e) Centrifugal House M/s, Thyssenkrup Industries Ltd. Pune
f) Sugar House : M/s, Hi-Tech Engineering Industries Ltd.Pune